Hello! My name is Cristiana Aperio, I am a Nutritionist Biologist, the Italian equivalent of a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, with a past as an Economist.

Science has always been my passion, as a young girl I was very interested about insects and understanding their world, and at school I have always been very good in maths. This “took me away” for a period of my life from my true passion, biology!

After having my first three children, I enrolled in the Faculty of Nutritional Biology to pursue my passion. Now the children became 4, and I continue to study what fascinates me, more and more, every day, and I constantly put it into practice in the consults with my patients.

Biology is the science that studies life (bios=life + lògos=study) and life is always the result of the harmony that is established between a series of physical, chemical and biomolecular processes.

Therefore, food is life, and water, which is the solvent where all biochemical reactions take place in our body, is life. Nutrition is therefore the privileged access route to nourish the harmony of our body and all its functions.
By choosing the best food and drinks, we will keep the harmony between mind and body and maintain or restore our health, the most precious assets we have. This is what I try to convey to my patients during our nutritional journeys. Taking care of yourself through proper nutrition and hydration, day after day, improves your own harmony, balance, love for yourself, for your life and also for others’ in a virtuous circle.

This is why tackling a nutritional path must not be seen as a synonym of deprivation, but as a path aimed at expanding the variety of foods and drinks on which to feed ourselves, with which we can re-established harmony and the best balance for our body, to live our lives as fully as possible, even through nutrition.

Graduated with Honors (Cum Laude) in “Nutritional Biology” Bachelor Degree at the University of Camerino with the thesis “Contamination by Anisakis sp. and allergological signs in a selected pediatric population” and graduated with Honors (Cum Laude), special mention, and published Theses in “Biomolecular and Biofunctional Science” Master’s Degree (Laurea Magistrale), specialization in “Molecular Diagnostics”, with the thesis “IL-22 and allergic reactions: correlation between serum IgE IL-22 mRNA in peripheral blood’s mononuclear cells”.

The qualification to exercise the profession of Biologist A (SENIOR), was also obtain in the same University – Enrollment in the Register of Biologists – Section A (N° 061643).

Graduated in the prestigious “Integrated Oncology” Master’s Degree (Master di II Livello) at the “G. Marconi” University, Rome, in collaboration with ARTOI.

Regenera research group
Osservatorio Internazionale Stress Ossidativo

LAWS (this section is an extract from the Italian Law regarding the Professional position of the Nutritionist Biologist and its rights and duties)
Il Biologo, iscritto all’Ordine dei Biologi nella Sez. A (laurea di 4 anni o di 5 anni), può svolgere la professione di biologo nutrizionista:

In base alla Legge 396/67, che all’articolo 3, lettera b (cito: il biologo può valutare bisogni nutritivi ed energetici dell’uomo, degli animali e delle piante).
Tali competenze sono ulteriormente ribadite nel Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica del 5 giugno 2001, n. 328 (Art. 31 – Attività professionale degli iscritti nella sezione A).
Inoltre, il Decreto Ministeriale del 22 luglio 1993, n. 362 stabilisce il Tariffario Minimo per la Valutazione dei Bisogni Nutritivi ed Energetici dell’Uomo, degli Animali e delle Piante (lettera b dell’articolo di Legge n. 396/1967).
In particolare, il Biologo Nutrizionista può:

Elaborare diete o piani alimentari personalizzati, anche in condizioni fisiopatologiche accertate;
Determinare le diete ottimali per mense, collettività, gruppi sportivi, ecc.;
Può svolgere la sua professione in totale autonomia senza la presenza del medico.
Gli iscritti alla Sezione A hanno una laurea cosiddetta magistrale di 4 anni + 1 di tirocinio